Netware Super Library
Netware Super Library.iso
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Assembly Source File
860 lines
; ODIPKT.ASM - Adapter provides Packet Driver interface over ODI
; (c) Copyright Daniel D. Lanciani 1991. All rights reserved.
; This unmodified source file and its executable form may be used and
; redistributed freely. The source may be modified, and the source or
; executable versions built from the modified source may be used and
; redistributed, provided that this notice and the copyright displayed by
; the exectuable remain intact, and provided that the executable displays
; an additional message indicating that it has been modified, and by whom.
; Daniel D. Lanciani releases this software "as is", with no express or
; implied warranty, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
; of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
; Please send bug reports to ddl@harvard.harvard.edu.
version equ 2 ; for driver_info
iftype equ 71 ; for driver_info/access_type
nhand equ 8 ; max active handles
mmatch equ 8 ; max length of header match
mmulti equ 8 ; max multicast addresses
pkvec equ 69h ; default control vector
xbsize equ 1514 ; max receive frame size
alen equ 6 ; address length
stksw equ 1 ; switch stacks in upcall
nopid equ 1 ; use prescan/default instead on pid
defstk equ 1 ; use default instead of prescan
hinfo struc ; per-handle data
nmatch dw -1 ; header match length
match db mmatch dup (?) ; header match bytes
recvo dw ? ; receiver offset
recvs dw ? ; receiver segment
hinfo ends
CODE segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:CODE, ds:CODE, es:nothing, ss:CODE
org 100h
stack label byte
at100h: jmp start
copyright db 'ODIPKT 1.0 beta', 13, 10
db '(c) Copyright Daniel Lanciani 1991. All rights reserved.'
db 13, 10, 'This software is provided with NO WARRANTY.', 13, 10
db '$'
myname db 'ODIPKT', 0 ; for driver_info
class db 1 ; for driver_info
xbusy db 0 ; receive buffer busy
ifdef stksw
inhere db 0 ; on switched stack
align 2
savpko dw 0 ; saved vector offset
savpks dw 0 ; saved vector segment
psup dd 0 ; LSL protocol support entry
gsup dd 0 ; LSL general support entry
control dd 0 ; MLID control entry
config dd 0 ; MLID configuration table
asup dw 0, 0 ; for as_send_pkt
board dw 0 ; logical board number
myvec dw 4 * pkvec ; 4 * my vector
ifndef nopid
stackid dw 0 ; stackid from LSL
off dw 12 ; header offset for match
fmin dw 60 ; minimum frame size
rmode dw 3 ; current receiver mode
rmmap dw 0, 1, 5, 7, 7, 15
nmulti dw 0 ; number of multicast addresses
mtab db mmulti * alen dup (?)
htab hinfo nhand dup (<>) ; the handle table
htabe label byte
stab dw 14 dup (0) ; for get_statistics
ptab db 1, 9, 14, alen ; for get_parameters
dw xbsize, mmulti * alen, 0, 0, 0
sECB db 52 dup (0) ; transmit ECB
rECB db 52 dup (0) ; receive ECB
xb db xbsize dup (?) ; receive buffer
upcall proc far
transcom:push ds
push bp
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov ax, asup
or ax, asup + 2
jz trans1
mov ax, es:8[si]
and ax, ax
jz trans2
mov ax, 12
add stab + 20, 1
adc stab + 22, 0
trans2: les di, es:46[si]
call dword ptr asup
mov cs:asup, 0
mov cs:asup + 2, 0
trans1: pop bp
pop ds
recvcom:cmp cs:xbusy, 0
jnz nobuf
mov dx, ds
push di
mov cx, 4[di]
sub cx, [di]
mov si, cs
mov es, si
mov ds, si
mov xbusy, 1
mov si, offset rECB
mov word ptr 46[si], offset xb
add word ptr 46[si], cx
mov word ptr 50[si], xbsize
sub word ptr 50[si], cx
mov ds, dx
lds si, [di]
mov di, offset xb
rep movsb
mov si, offset rECB
pop di
mov ds, dx
xor ax, ax
nobuf: mov ax, 8001h
add cs:stab + 16, 1
adc cs:stab + 18, 0
and ax, ax
recvcom2:push bp
push ds
push es
push si
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
ifdef stksw
cmp inhere, 0
jz notbusy
add stab + 16, 1
adc stab + 18, 0
jmp busy
notbusy:inc inhere
mov bx, ss
mov cx, sp
mov ss, ax
mov sp, offset stack
push bx
push cx
mov cx, es:42[si]
add cx, es:46[si]
add si, 52
sub cx, si
cmp cx, fmin
jnc enuf
mov cx, fmin
enuf: push es
push si
push cx
add stab, 1
adc stab + 2, 0
add stab + 8, cx
adc stab + 10, 0
mov bx, offset htab
recv1: mov cx, [bx].nmatch
cmp cx, -1
jz recv5
jcxz recv2
mov di, si
cmp class, 3
jnz norif
test byte ptr es:8[di], 80h
jz norif
mov al, es:14[di]
and al, 1fh
xor ah, ah
add di, ax
norif: add di, off
lea si, [bx].match
repe cmpsb
jnz recv5
recv2: pop cx
push cx
push bx
xor ax, ax
call dword ptr [bx].recvo
pop bx
mov ax, es
or ax, di
jz recv7
pop cx
pop si
pop ds
push ds
push si
push cx
push di
shr cx, 1
rep movsw
jnc recv3
recv3: pop si
pop cx
push cx
mov ax, es
mov ds, ax
push bx
mov ax, 1
call dword ptr cs:[bx].recvo
pop bx
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
recv5: pop cx
pop si
pop es
add bx, size hinfo
cmp bx, offset htabe
jnc recv6
push es
push si
push cx
jmp short recv1
recv7: cli
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
add stab + 24, 1
adc stab + 26, 0
jmp short recv5
ifdef stksw
pop cx
pop bx
mov ss, bx
mov sp, cx
dec inhere
busy: mov xbusy, 0
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pcont: mov ax, 8008h
and ax, ax
upcall endp
nofunc: mov dh, 11
jmp bad
driver_info:pop bx
mov bx, cs
mov ds, bx
mov bx, version
mov ch, class
mov dx, iftype
xor cl, cl
mov si, offset myname
mov al, 6
jmp good1
access_type:pop bx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
cmp al, class
jz access_type1
mov dh, 2
jmp short access_type5
access_type1:cmp bx, iftype
jz access_type7
cmp bx, -1
jz access_type7
mov dh, 3
jmp short access_type5
access_type7:and dl, dl
jz access_type2
mov dh, 4
jmp short access_type5
access_type2:cmp cx, mmatch + 1
jc access_type3
mov dh, 14
jmp short access_type5
access_type3:mov bx, offset htab
access_type4:cmp [bx].nmatch, -1
jz access_type6
add bx, size hinfo
cmp bx, offset htabe
jc access_type4
mov dh, 9
access_type5:pop ds
jmp bad1
access_type6:mov [bx].nmatch, cx
mov [bx].recvo, di
mov [bx].recvs, es
mov di, ds
mov es, di
lea di, [bx].match
pop ds
rep movsb
mov ax, bx
jmp good1
release_type:pop bx
mov cs:[bx].nmatch, -1
jmp good1
push ds
mov bx, ds
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
send_pkt1:cmp word ptr 8 + sECB, 0
jg send_pkt1
add stab + 4, 1
adc stab + 6, 0
add stab + 12, cx
adc stab + 14, 0
mov word ptr sECB + 42, cx
mov word ptr sECB + 46, si
mov word ptr sECB + 48, bx
mov word ptr sECB + 50, cx
mov si, offset sECB
mov bx, 12
call psup
send_pkt2:cmp word ptr 8 + sECB, 0
jg send_pkt2
jnz send_pkt3
pop ds
jmp good
send_pkt3:add stab + 20, 1
adc stab + 22, 0
pop ds
mov dh, 12
jmp bad
terminate:push ds
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov cx, nmulti
jcxz terminate2
mov si, offset mtab
terminate1:push si
push cx
mov ax, cs
mov es, ax
mov ax, board
mov bx, 3
call control
pop cx
pop si
add si, alen
loop terminate1
terminate2:xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, myvec
mov ax, savpko
mov es:[bx], ax
mov ax, savpks
mov es:2[bx], ax
ifdef nopid
mov ax, board
ifdef defstk
mov bx, 9
mov bx, 11
call psup
mov ax, stackid
mov bx, 22
mov cx, board
call psup
mov ax, stackid
mov bx, 7
call psup
mov ax, cs
mov es, ax
mov ah, 49h
int 21h
pop ds
jmp good
get_address:cmp cx, alen
jnc get_address1
mov dh, 9
jmp bad
get_address1:push ds
lds si, cs:config
add si, 28
mov cx, alen
rep movsb
pop ds
mov cx, alen
jmp good
reset_interface:mov dh, 15
jmp bad
get_parameters:mov di, cs
mov es, di
mov di, offset ptab
jmp good
push ds
mov bx, ds
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
as_send_pkt1:cmp word ptr 8 + sECB, 0
jg as_send_pkt1
mov asup, di
mov asup + 2, es
mov es, ax
add stab + 4, 1
adc stab + 6, 0
add stab + 12, cx
adc stab + 14, 0
mov word ptr sECB + 42, cx
mov word ptr sECB + 46, si
mov word ptr sECB + 48, bx
mov word ptr sECB + 50, cx
mov si, offset sECB
mov bx, 12
call psup
pop ds
jmp good
set_rcv_mode:mov bx, cx
dec bx
cmp bx, 6
jnc set_rcv_mode1
shl bx, 1
push cx
mov ax, cs:rmmap[bx]
mov bx, 4
mov cx, -1
call cs:control
pop cx
; jnz set_rcv_mode1 ; XXX no longer supported by ODI
mov cs:rmode, cx
jmp good
set_rcv_mode1:mov dh, 8
jmp bad
get_rcv_mode:mov ax, cs:rmode
jmp good
set_multicast_list:mov ax, cx
xor dx, dx
mov bx, alen
div bx
and dx, dx
jz set_multicast_list1
mov dh, 14
jmp bad
set_multicast_list1:cmp ax, mmulti + 1
jc set_multicast_list6
mov dh, 9
jmp bad
set_multicast_list6:push ds
push cx
push ax
push es
push di
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov cx, nmulti
jcxz set_multicast_list3
mov si, offset mtab
set_multicast_list2:push si
push cx
mov ax, cs
mov es, ax
mov ax, board
mov bx, 3
call control
pop cx
pop si
add si, alen
loop set_multicast_list2
set_multicast_list3:pop si
pop ds
pop ax
pop cx
mov bx, cs
mov es, bx
mov di, offset mtab
rep movsb
mov bx, cs
mov ds, bx
mov nmulti, ax
mov cx, ax
jcxz set_multicast_list5
mov si, offset mtab
set_multicast_list4:push si
push cx
mov ax, cs
mov es, ax
mov ax, board
mov bx, 2
call control
pop cx
pop si
add si, alen
loop set_multicast_list4
set_multicast_list5:pop ds
jmp good
get_multicast_list:mov di, cs
mov es, di
mov di, offset mtab
mov ax, cs:nmulti
mov cx, alen
mul cx
mov cx, ax
jmp good
get_statistics:mov si, cs
mov ds, si
mov si, offset stab
jmp good
set_address:mov dh, 13
jmp bad
funcs dw nofunc
dw driver_info
dw access_type
dw release_type
dw send_pkt
dw terminate
dw get_address
dw reset_interface
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw get_parameters
dw as_send_pkt
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw nofunc
dw set_rcv_mode
dw get_rcv_mode
dw set_multicast_list
dw get_multicast_list
dw get_statistics
dw set_address
nfuncs equ ($ - offset funcs) / 2
intpk proc far
jmp short dopk
sig db 'PKT DRVR', 0
dopk: cli
push bx
cmp ah, nfuncs
jc dopk1
jmp nofunc
dopk1: mov bl, ah
xor bh, bh
shl bx, 1
jmp cs:funcs[bx]
bad: pop bx
bad1: stc
ret 2
good: pop bx
good1: clc
ret 2
intpk endp
start: mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov dx, offset copyright
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov bx, 81h
call space
call number
jc start0
mov board, ax
call space
call number
jc start0
add ax, ax
add ax, ax
mov myvec, ax
start0: xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, myvec
les di, es:[bx]
add di, 3
mov si, offset sig
mov cx, 9
repe cmpsb
jnz start1
mov dx, offset already
pexit: mov ah, 9
int 21h
int 20h
start1: xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
xor bx, bx
xor dx, dx
mov ah, 0c0h
start11:push ax
int 2fh
cmp al, 0ffh
pop ax
jz start13
start12:inc ah
jnz start11
mov dx, offset nolsl
jmp pexit
start13:mov ax, dx
or ax, bx
jz start12
mov di, si
mov si, offset lslname
mov cx, 8
repe cmpsb
jz start14
xor bx, bx
xor dx, dx
jmp start12
start14:mov word ptr psup, bx
mov word ptr psup + 2, dx
mov si, cs
mov es, si
mov si, offset psup
mov bx, 2
call psup
mov ax, word ptr gsup
or ax, word ptr gsup + 2
jnz start2
mov dx, offset lslfail
jmp pexit
start2: mov bx, 18
mov ax, board
call psup
jz start3
mov dx, offset nocont
jmp pexit
start3: mov word ptr control, si
mov word ptr control + 2, es
mov ax, board
xor bx, bx
call control
jz start4
mov dx, offset noconf
jmp pexit
start4: mov word ptr config, si
mov word ptr config + 2, es
mov al, es:114[si]
cmp al, 8
jnc noloirq
xor ah, ah
add ax, 8
mov word ptr ptab + 12, ax
noloirq:mov ax, es:60[si]
cmp ax, 4
jz istok
cmp ax, 11
jz istok
cmp ax, 3
jz is8023
cmp ax, 5
jz is8023
cmp ax, 10
jz is8023
jmp short gottype
istok: mov off, 14
mov ax, es:40[si]
add ax, 14
cmp ax, xbsize + 1
jc istok1
mov ax, xbsize
istok1: mov word ptr ptab + 4, ax
mov class, 3
mov fmin, 14
jmp short gottype
is8023: mov off, 14
mov class, 11
ifdef nopid
mov rinfo, offset recvcom
mov rinfo + 2, cs
mov rinfo + 4, offset pcont
mov rinfo + 6, cs
mov si, cs
mov es, si
mov si, offset rinfo
mov ax, board
ifdef defstk
mov bx, 8
mov bx, 10
call psup
jz start5
mov dx, offset rfail
jmp pexit
mov rinfo, offset sname
mov rinfo + 2, cs
mov rinfo + 4, offset recvcom
mov rinfo + 6, cs
mov rinfo + 8, offset pcont
mov rinfo + 10, cs
mov si, cs
mov es, si
mov si, offset rinfo
mov bx, 6
call psup
jz start51
mov dx, offset rfail
jmp pexit
start51:mov stackid, bx
mov ax, bx
mov bx, 21
mov cx, board
call psup
jz start5
mov ax, stackid
mov bx, 7
call psup
mov dx, offset bfail
jmp pexit
start5: mov word ptr sECB + 10, offset transcom
mov word ptr sECB + 12, cs
mov word ptr sECB + 14, -1
mov ax, board
mov word ptr sECB + 22, ax
mov word ptr sECB + 44, 1
mov word ptr rECB + 10, offset recvcom2
mov word ptr rECB + 12, cs
mov word ptr rECB + 14, -1
mov ax, board
mov word ptr rECB + 22, ax
mov word ptr rECB + 44, 1
mov word ptr rECB + 48, cs
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, myvec
mov ax, es:[bx]
mov savpko, ax
mov ax, es:2[bx]
mov savpks, ax
mov es:[bx], offset intpk
mov es:2[bx], cs
mov dx, offset goodins
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov es, ds:[2ch]
mov ah, 49h
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[2ch], 0
mov cx, 5
xor bx, bx
cloop: mov ah, 3eh
int 21h
inc bx
loop cloop
mov dx, offset start
int 27h
number: xor ax, ax
mov cx, -1
number1:cmp byte ptr [bx], '0'
jc number2
cmp byte ptr [bx], '9' + 1
jnc number2
xor cx, cx
mov dx, 10
mul dx
mov dl, byte ptr [bx]
sub dl, '0'
xor dh, dh
add ax, dx
inc bx
jmp short number1
number2:add cx, 1
space: cmp byte ptr [bx], ' '
jz space1
cmp byte ptr [bx], 9
jz space1
space1: inc bx
jmp short space
ifdef nopid
rinfo dw 4 dup (0)
sname db 6, 'ODIPKT', 0
rinfo dw 6 dup (0)
bfail db 'Failed to bind protocol stack', 13, 10, '$'
lslname db 'LINKSUP$'
already db 'A driver is already installed at this vector.', 13, 10, '$'
goodins db 'ODIPKT is installed and ready.', 13, 10, '$'
nolsl db 'The Link Support Layer is not loaded.', 13, 10, '$'
lslfail db 'The Link Support Layer failed to init.', 13, 10, '$'
nocont db 'Cannot get MLID control entry', 13, 10, '$'
noconf db 'Cannot get MLID configuration', 13, 10, '$'
rfail db 'Failed to register protocol stack', 13, 10, '$'
CODE ends
end at100h